5 thoughts on “Why is pet sharing feasible? What problems should I solve the problem of pets to rent?”

  1. Chengdu 339 Shopping Center, there are many advertising signs marked with cats with shared cats, which says “9.9 yuan with cats home with you”. According to the shop owner, all the dozen cats used in the store are rented out. The launch of a shared cat paid service is to reduce the frequency of stray cats and provide a platform for those who want to raise a cat. When asked about changing the living environment frequently and whether the owner would have a adverse effect on the cat, the owner said, “Sharing cats always serve every family, they are more accustomed to the cat. (The living environment often changes). “At the same time, the store mainly asked tenants to buy cats’ staple foods and supplies in the store, about two or three hundred yuan. The store is now closed. After the incident spread to the Internet, it caused many controversy of public opinion.
    The popularity of the public opinion in the shared cat incident is obvious. The cycle is long
    March 7th, the news information of the shared cat 9.9 yuan for one day began to circulate on the Internet. In general, the source of the incident comes from the exposure of the news media. Among them, Red Star News, Chengdu Business Daily and other media have made preliminary reports on the matter. On the evening of March 7,@吃 瓜 瓜 瓜@@一 3 3 3 and other media further spread the matter, and public opinion presented the first small peak. On March 8th, based on the influence of the propagation of the main body and the discussion of other communication subjects, the incident formed a positive discussion in the field of public opinion, and reached its peak again at noon on the same day. After that, the discussion of the incident was declining, and the popularity of the daytime communication on March 9 was relatively low. Until the evening of March 9, the transmission of the incident showed a rapid rise. On the evening of March 9, the media reported that the shared cat merchant was stopped and closed. The development of the incident has once again attracted the attention of netizens, leading to its spread again. On March 10, the content of the media interviewed the store caused dissatisfaction among netizens, that is, the store said that the launch of paid services is to reduce the frequency of stray cats and provide a platform for those who want to raise cats. With the influx of media reports, the popularity of the incident is still high.
    The shared cat caused public opinion to share the pet mode
    “Sharing Cat” incident while fermenting in public opinion, which also caused the public to think and discuss the shared pet economy model. Many media and influential V families are spreading this matter, which has also triggered topics such as “how to view pet sharing economy”, “why shared cats can fire”, “Share pets to ignore life” and other topics. Driven by these topics, many netizens participated in the expression of opinions. Judging from the opinions of netizens, most netizens oppose the economic model of sharing pets. From the perspective of opposition, it can be divided into two types: rational analysis and emotional resonance, which is generally consistent with the public opinion attitude of shared cat incidents.

    This -based pet living environment resisting and sharing pets from a rational perspective

    In this incident, pet sharing is mainly based on daily rent, many netizens are worried about changing the owner and the living environment with frequent replacement The harm. According to an interview with Red Star reporters, Professor Guo Peng, director of the Shandong University Animal Protection Research Center, introduced that in the family, cats will not always be locked in cages, so their activity space and opportunities to communicate with people will increase. Increase their interest in life. On the contrary, if a cat is constantly disturbed and disturbed in the process of exploring the new environment, it will feel frustrated and become more tired and negative. At the same time, Guo Peng said that sharing cat’s business model cannot avoid the scare and fatigue of animals, and the owner intentionally or unintentionally caused the psychological damage to the cat. The media’s interview with authoritative experts proves the impact of this model on pets, and strengthened public opinion on sharing pets.

    The resistance to sharing pets based on a moral emotional perspective

    In addition to rational opposition, many netizens also resolve pets based on emotional moral resistance. On the one hand, this resistance is an attack on the owner, calling on the life of animals. Some media jointly urged to resist the behavior of seeking benefits from animals, and re -talk about social issues that care about animals’ “not buy or sell,”. On the other hand, some comments also show the abandonment of consumers who purchase cat rental services. Out of the psychology of cat love, I questioned whether the rented cat really purchased a cat -rented service, and even many netizens directly said that the rented cat only rented a cat for their own fun, which shows that their love for cats is a kind of cat is a kind of cat is a kind of cat is a kind of cat. Hypocritical love; many netizens do not understand the behavior logic of consumers’ purchase of cat rental services, and attribute cat rental consumers to immorality and selfishness. As a result, many netizens clamored directly that consumers who bought cat rental services should not rent cats if they love cats.

  2. Pet sharing is not feasible, so the problem that the first rent is solved by pets is that those who like animals can be used to play. Pets that can prevent some people from not pets to become stray cat stray dogs. The third point can protect the environment. It will not be infected with these pets in infectious diseases.

  3. The popularity of public opinion in the shared cat incident is obvious and the cycle is long. Study the development prospects and advantages and disadvantages of sharing pet models, improve the model of sharing of pets, combine the business mode and concept of the business business with pets, and propose specific and feasible solutions for the innovation reform of the present pet malls.

  4. Because pet sharing, constantly changing the living environment on the psychology of pets will have a negative impact, especially as sensitive animals like cats. They will have depression. The first thing that pet rental is to solve is the small animals. Health problems, but this problem is difficult to avoid, so it still does not support pet lease.

  5. Pets are not objects. He knows people and sharing is unrealistic. I think the first thing to solve is the problem of hygiene. You don’t know what infectious diseases have the master of the family, which is passed on to pets.

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