4 thoughts on “How to manage printing production”

  1. 1、印刷生产任务管理:rn生产任务管理包括:生产任务单、生产投料单、生产领料单、生产退料单、生产物料报废单、生产任务汇报单、产品检验申请单、产品Analysis of inspection forms, finished products entering the warehouse, production report analysis.
    The audit customer order: Enter the order. After review, you can automatically issue the production task form! The content of the review includes information in the customer order date, order delivery date, quantity, unit price and other customer information!
    The order of production tasks is issued by order, and processing suggestions are proposed to issue production tasks. There is no need to produce for the number of inventory and the number of orders that meet the number of orders.
    The process settings, such products are produced through those processes, such as color box products, generally through the opening-paper-printing-surface treatment-paper-beer box-stick box-packaging and other process routes for production.
    production type, production workshop, work center settings and BOM orders maintenance.
    In external processing forms-some material lists that need to be processed in the outer association need to be issued. If there are some links, it needs to be issued, surface treatment or binding when the processing company does not have inside the processing company!
    2, printing workshop operation management:
    The work management of the workshop includes: process plan order, process transfer order, process distribution order, process reporting form, process inspection form, pieces of wages, workshop operation report analysis.
    This to generate the process plan order and work order (processing personnel) according to the production task. After the daily production is completed, the process inspection form, the pieces of the counting, and the process reporting form will be generated to generate the workshop report analysis.
    3, printing quality management:
    The enrollment of basic data of quality inspection: including inspection items, quality inspection plans, etc. According to the report of the production task, the corresponding product inspection application form is entered, and the quality inspection department is notified to conduct product inspections and entered the product inspection form.
    The product inspection form is performed according to the product inspection form, and the process inspection of each process is performed according to the process report form.
    The feeding inspection (IQC), printed noodle paper inspection, process first inspection, process inspection (IPQC) finished database inspection (OQC / FQC), feeding / finished product abnormal inspection, etc. These modules are closely related to order management, procurement management, and production management, which organically forms a whole.
    4. You can learn the book “Printing Production Management”. This book is mainly used as a textbook for student production management in printing colleges. It can also be used as a reference book to engage in production management in the printing industry, or hopes and prepares to engage in printing production managers. All methods are very practical. However, in order to explain the principles and provide practical exercises to solve problems, this book also uses some theoretical models.
    The questions in the mathematics involved in the text are used for detailed explanations. At the end of each chapter, there are some practical exercises that combine the actual situation. The purpose of choosing these topics is to train and solve difficult problems. Mastering these skills is not only conducive to daily work, but also to overcome challenges encountered in printing production management.
    Extended information:
    1. The first three long -term problems of the first three of the book are equipment investment, factory layout and organizational structure. About half of this book introduces important daily administrative management issues: the formulation and control of production planning and dispatch plans; inventory control and raw material purchase; quality control and management. The rest introduce the content of interpersonal communication and production management strategies.
    2. With the improvement of many new technological costs, the importance of formal evaluation of the purchase of new printing equipment has also increased. This evaluation is essential for banks, investors and other fund providers, and it is necessary to consider management decision -making carefully. The formal financial analysis forced managers to consider the long -term effect of investment. By designing more detailed decision -making procedures, financial and technology alternatives can be studied.
    3, the work of the manager is divided into three aspects: interpersonal relationships, strategic planning and decision -making, production system’s transaction management. The administrative affairs of production management include the formulation of production plans, preparing production operation dispatch plans, production control, material purchase, inventory control, and quality control.
    4. The main purpose of the entire book is to improve production efficiency. In some previous chapters, we introduced the continuous quality improvement, reasonable inventory, efficient typography, equipment investment and efficient plans. These technologies also emphasize a “world -class manufacturing” that emphasizes simplification, zero loss, flexible production and continuous improvement.

  2. Printing production management is to manage the printing production process. First of all, you have to do printing to understand the printing process. Generally, the printing process is divided into three parts as follows. , Paper and cut. 2. Print on the machine. 3. After the seal: covering or oil, polishing or UV, corrugated corrugated (depending on the requirements of samples or customer), punching and sticking finished products, mainly these processes.

  3. The development trend of printing information, automation, and modern ERP management in China

    . What is ERP management software in the printing industry?

    The integrated global economic integration and international competition. The printing industry is also facing fierce competition. The current printing companies want to be invincible. It is necessary to keep progress and develop. And the company wants to develop. It must have an information, automation, and modern management model. so. It is necessary to adopt a scientific modern enterprise management system for the inevitable laws.
    “ERP” is the abbreviation of English Resources Planning. It means “corporate resource planning”. It is based on information technology. With systematic management ideas. Connect the information of various departments in the enterprise together. To achieve information sharing and resource optimization. And provide a modern management tool for modern automatic information services for enterprise management. It is a kind of facing the processing manufacturing industry. It is planned to scientifically advanced modern management enterprises to scientifically advance the company’s material resources, capital resources, time resources, and information resources. This is the ERP management software in the printing industry.

    . What is the current development and development trend in China’s printing industry?
    The gap and shortcomings of China’s printing industry:
    1. It is the total output value of per capita printing. 2. It is unbalanced development in the region, lack of local backbone enterprises with international competitiveness and brand influence. The printed production capacity is relatively large, high -end product production capacity, and the growth methods are not reasonable. The structural contradictions of the industry have not been fundamentally fundamental Solution;
    3. It is insufficient independent innovation in local enterprises, weak scientific research and development foundation, and a large gap with foreign advanced enterprises in terms of quality management, process technology, and product standards;
    . The quality of quality, high skills, and export -oriented management and management personnel is relatively scarce, and it is urgent to establish a sound vocational training, evaluation and certification system to improve the status of human resource allocation in the industry; Channel;
    6. It is no reasonable and correct use of corporate informatization competition tool-ERP.

    The printing industry as the information industry is fully implemented and implemented “CTP version, printing printing, and linkage binding.” At the same time, the printing industry to high -precision, high efficiency, high -colored “three highs”, and the “three -no” new technologies of waterless plastic printing, axisless transmission, seamless rubber cloth. The development of high -speed, multifunctional, high -precision surface decoration is developed. In the era of digital printing, the implementation of these major policies and the development of the printing industry must be based on the implementation of modern ERP management.
    The printing industry belongs to traditional industries. From Bi Sheng’s printing surgery to today’s electronic publication, the printing industry has gone through a long development process. In this development process, there are very few opportunities for revolutionary changes. When the computer obtains production applications in the printing industry, the printing industry has not changed the true printing principle in the true sense. The printing industry has always become an industry far away from ERP, and the printing industry owner has been watching coldly.
    . However, in recent years, the technology automation of the printing industry technology is CTP modeling technology. The owner of the printing factory begging for informationization to transform advanced equipment into true economic benefits. ERP has begun to heat up quietly in the printing industry. The reason is that the most fundamental thing is that – Cruel competition. The quality requirements of printing are getting higher and higher, but the profit is getting thinner. The printing industry is experiencing a fierce competition. Insufficient customer resources, continued decline in price, significant increase in varieties, general decline in output, shorter delivery cycle, and difficulty recycling of funds, all of which make the management personnel of printing companies feel unprecedented pressure.
    At this time, the traditional industry of printing seems to be suddenly remembered overnight. It is necessary to seek cost -saving space from informatization, automation, and modernization. In the past two years, the printing industry has transformed from traditional printing to modern electronic printing, from manual typesetting to computer typesetting to CTP automated version, and has passed the process from traditional manual to modernization to automation. Automation and modern management requirements, this is the inevitable trend of ERP in the popularization of printing industry.
    In the past few years, there are no number of printing management software, but most of the small software that helps enterprises offers quotation management and adapt to traditional printing management has been very helpful for the application of small printing factories, but it has always been always used, but it has always been always used, but it has always been always used, but it always has always been the application of small printing plants. It can only be managed to be promoted, and it has not been promoted to the advanced stage of ERP informatization, automation, and modernization. ERP software that is truly suitable for printing enterprises informatization, automation, and modernization is rare. The printing industry ERP must really start from modern enterprises and modern management to complete the problem of printing management such as printing management, materials, plans, costs, and pitys of printing enterprises.

    3. What are the existing problems in printing companies?

    Questions 1. Management supporting and dating on time is a wide range of printed companies

    One of the most important aspects of customer service is to deliver printing products on time and accurately. It is particularly challenging for printing companies. One mark often delays a day or even delay for half a day of delivery, which will lead to the rejection of the entire seal. The timeliness of printing is particularly prominent, and it may have extremely serious consequences. Therefore, when delivery on time, the correct number of products is essential for the printing industry. Some management methods or changes in printing equipment in the printing industry make it more difficult to achieve accurate and timely delivery.
    In the selection of printing ERP management, it is necessary to consider material demand, material inventory management, post -lane process process processing management, intelligent production ranking, etc. to ensure the quality of the number of raw materials for the number of raw materials printed orders. Realize on time.
    The dynamically master the progress of the order and the actual situation of completion. Realize the expected order of orders and automatically calculate the feasible delivery period. Better manage customer information, establish a good relationship with customers, maintain frequent communication with customers, and dynamically grasp the needs of customers.

    The question 2. Ensure resource optimization and cost effective control
    This ERP must be analyzed through high -level material demand. Perfect inventory management includes storage age management, as well as work order material budget, work order quota, Optimize resources for resources to effectively control costs. Makes paper, ink, and auxiliary materials required by the prints in time, accurate, and fixed supply.

    Ilvas 3. Make sure the effective application of funds and the rapid recovery of funds
    This ERP must also formulate a fast and integrated collection of receivables, quickly inquire and analyze the tasks of each user and orders to complete the completion of the tasks of each user and orders. In the records of the number of delivery, the number of returns, the amount of receipts, etc., quickly summarize the account receivables, accounts and credit conditions. Ensure the effective application of funds, and the funds will return quickly. There is a query function for the pre -collection process. Corresponding to the list of lists, summary of receivables, and check management after the receipt is settled

    . What is the ERP management ideas and concepts of the printing industry?

    In the analysis of the specific organization and business environment of the enterprise, carrying out effective plans, control and feedback on all aspects of the supply chain as the core, the company’s finance, procurement, production, and sales to help enterprises use resources reasonably , Reduce inventory, reduce capital occupation, enhance corporate response capabilities, improve market competitiveness and economic benefits. The ERP system is based on advanced corporate management concepts such as JIT, CRM zero inventory, cost control, ISO9001 and other advanced corporate management concepts, combined with the characteristics of printing companies. Aiming at the actual problems facing domestic printing manufacturers, after investigation and research in in -depth printing production enterprises. According to the current market characteristics, ERP solutions are provided for modern management of printing production enterprises. The printing ERP system should have the following characteristics:
    1. The complete corporate resource plan management system
    In the basis of standard MRPⅡ, such as equipment management, quality management, human resources management, decision -making support e -commerce and supply chain, etc. Function has become a complete ERP system, providing a comprehensive solution for printing manufacturers.
    2. Accurate printing (product structure) description
    This printing products are completed by pre -print, printing, and post -printed processing, and the use of printing materials is determined by various printing and packaging methods, macro macro The product structure also includes various packaging materials, auxiliary materials, inks, etc.; The product structure description function provided by the system should accurately describe the printing process process of various products, and the system completes various related calculations based on the product process process.
    3. Description of exact process flow
    print production can be roughly divided into before printing (original design, input, graphic processing, output), printing After printing, processing (molding or division, binding, boxing, bag making, etc.), the system will describe the printing production process process in detail to supervise and control the production process.
    The production of printing products from receiving orders to the final payment is a long process, generally 5-6 months. Printing production can generally have the following processes: receiving orders — Formulating processes — Arrange production — Listing materials — The circulation of each process (including the processing of foreign associations) — delivery and transportation (pick-up) (pick-up) (pick-up) (pick-up) Schedule — Realize sales — pay back.
    Che conceptual data model according to the business flowchart. A set of processes of printing and production involve business, engineering production suppliers, human resources, finance, materials and other departments. The entire system is sales management, quotation management, and External management financial management, material management, inventory management, production plan management, process management, quality management and other series of logistics, information flow, and capital flow.
    The management, management mode, management method, management mechanism, management mechanism, management basic organization structure, business process, rules and regulations, and all employees to achieve comprehensive improvement and improvement, thereby improving the overall management level and competition of the enterprise Power to speed up the modernization process of enterprise management. The implementation of ERP can provide information necessary for printing companies in time, and increase the flexibility of production. It has improved the response speed of printing companies to the market and the standardized management of ERP formation has played a certain guarantee role in product quality.
    In short, the implementation of the ERP system penetrates all levels of the management of printing enterprises. Take the advanced modern corporate management concept. Injecting new vitality into printing companies. With its assistance, the cause of printing companies will be booming.

    . What are the production management process of ERP software?

    1. Management of printed production tasks;

    production task management includes: production task form, production and investment form, production receipt form, production refund form, production material waste formation list , Analysis of production task reporting forms, product inspection application forms, product inspection forms, finished products entering the warehouse, production report analysis.
    The audit customer order — entered the order. After review, you can automatically issue the production task form! The content of the review includes information in customer order date, order delivery date, quantity, unit price and other customer information!
    In the order of production tasks-in order to use the number of orders Essence There is no need to produce for the number of inventory and the number of orders that meet the number of orders.
    The process settings, such products are produced through those processes, such as color box products, generally through the opening-paper-printing-surface treatment-paper-beer box-stick box-packaging and other process routes for production.
    production type, production workshop, work center settings and BOM orders maintenance.
    In external processing forms-some material lists that need to be processed in the outer association need to be issued. If there are some links, it needs to be issued, surface treatment or binding when the processing company does not have inside the processing company!

    2. The operation management of printing workshop

    Trassic operation management includes: process plan order, process transfer form, process faction order, process report form, process inspection form, piece counting salary salary salary Analysis of the workplace operation report.
    This to generate the process plan order and work order (processing personnel) according to the production task.
    The process inspection form, pieces of pieces, and process reporting forms after the end of the production, so as to generate the workshop work report analysis.

    3. Printing quality management

    The enrollment of basic information of quality inspection: Including inspection items, quality inspection plans, etc. Inspection of the application form, notify the quality inspection department to conduct product inspection, and enter the product inspection form
    The production of finished products according to the product inspection form
    The reporting form of each process is inspected and entered the process inspection form.
    The feeding inspection (IQC), printed noodle paper inspection, process first inspection, process inspection (IPQC) finished database inspection (OQC / FQC), feeding / finished product abnormal inspection, etc. These modules are closely related to order management, procurement management, and production management, which organically forms a whole.

  4. It is recommended that Shanghai Yinzhi Technology Company’s printing ERP management system is recommended. It is recommended to you after use. Our company has a whole set. I feel very good and save a lot of trouble.

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