4 thoughts on “What is the eight major industries in Shanxi”

  1. Eight major industries in Shanxi:
    1, planting
    In 2018, the planting area of ​​crop planting in Shanxi Province was 3555.2 thousand hectares, a decrease of 22.5,000 hectares from the previous year.
    2, forestry
    In 2018, the afforestation area of ​​Shanxi Province was 340.1,000 hectares, an increase of 9.0%. At the end of the year, the forest area of ​​Shanxi Province was 3.21 million hectares, and the forest coverage rate was 20.5%.
    3, animal husbandry
    In 2018, the total output of pigs and beef and mutton in Shanxi Province was 771,000 tons, a decrease of 0.1%. Among them, the output of pork was 625,000 tons, a decrease of 0.3%; the yield of beef was 65,000 tons, an increase of 10.0%; the output of mutton was 81,000 tons, a decrease of 5.0%. The output of milk was 811,000 tons, an increase of 4.7%. The output of poultry eggs was 10.26 million tons, an increase of 0.7%. At the end of the year, there were 5.495 million pigs and 8.146 million pigs.
    4, fishery
    In 2018, Shanxi Province’s aquatic products output of 48,000 tons, a decrease of 9.9%.
    5. Industry
    In 2018, the added value of industries above designated size in Shanxi Province increased by 4.1%over the previous year.
    6. Construction industry
    In 2018, the value -added of the construction industry in Shanxi Province was 115.28 billion yuan, an increase of 6.1%at an unchanged price.
    7. The real estate industry
    In 2018, the real estate development investment of Shanxi Province was 137.66 billion yuan, an increase of 18.0%.
    8. Post and telecommunications
    In 2018, Shanxi Province completed the total number of postal business 9.41 billion yuan, an increase of 29.9%
    Extension information
    In 2018, Shanxi Province SASAC proposed that Shanxi Province state -owned enterprises need The allocation of more resources into the development of new industries and new momentum, strive to achieve “structural reversal” of the provincial -owned enterprise coal and non -coal industry through three years of hard work.
    Inned targets, in the next three years, the value -added of Shanxi provinces has increased by 10.9%annually, and advanced coal production capacity accounts for more than 55.2%to more than 70%. The value -added of the coal industry has decreased by 4 to 5 percentage points, accounting for below 50%.
    Reference materials Source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Shanxi
    Reference Data Source: People’s Daily-Shanxi: The proportion of non-coal industry is further increased

  2. The coke and coal industry

    In the power industry

    Based on the construction of eight major coal power bases.

    In accordance with the construction requirements of the three major coal bases of Jinbei, Jinzhong, and Jindong and the development plan of the Guojia Grid. The bias base, the central part is Yangquan (including Shouyang), Luliang base, the south is Linfen base, and the southeast is the Changzhi base and Jincheng base.

    In 2011, by eliminating backward production capacity and promoting the reorganization of power companies, our province will form large power generation and power grid companies with strong domestic competitiveness. Jiangsu transport. Through the reform of electricity prices, urban and rural electricity prices are gradually realized at the same price.

    The new material industry

    The two -year cultivation of 40 backbone enterprises

    In the next two years, the cultivation of the new material industry should be developed into an important in the province industry. By the end of 2011, the sales revenue of the new material industry in the province will achieve an average annual increase of 15%to 62 billion yuan. It will start from 9 aspects, which are new building materials, magnesium alloy materials, refractory materials, ceramic materials, tanne iron boron magnetic materials, nanomaterials, coal system kaolin, new fiber materials and other new materials. By 2011, the company and corporate groups with 40 annual sales revenue exceeded 300 million yuan.

    The metallurgical industry

    Teor steel will jointly reorganize steel enterprises in the province

    A as the leading enterprise in the province’s steel industry, the provincial government “authorized” Tai Steel Group jointly reorganized steel enterprises in the province, and strived to reach more than 20 million tons of production by the group by 2011. In 2015, it reached more than 30 million tons. At that time, the production capacity of Tai Igang Group will account for more than three -quarters of the province’s steel production capacity.

    It five steel production bases of Taiyuan, Changzhi, Yuncheng, Linfen, and Luliang will also be formed. One million tons of alumina production bases, build three magnesium industrial bases in Taiyuan, Datong, and Yuncheng, and Nakajo Mountain Copper Base.

    The food industry

    Puzi 5 brand -name products in two years

    In the next two years, the food industry in our province will focus on creating leading enterprises and brand products. By 2010, China’s well -known trademarks in the province’s food industry increased from the current 6 to 10, and the brand -name products increased from 10 to 15.

    alcohol, vinegar, and dairy products are the traditional food industry in our province. In the next two years, our province will focus on supporting the development of these food industries. Machining the five types of special products of edible oil, dry fresh fruits and vegetables, and functional foods. At the same time, our province will also cultivate the three major modern food industries of beverage manufacturing, starch products, and convenient food.

    Equipment manufacturing

    In the construction of the five bases of national demonstration

    Equipment manufacturing products have always been the “fist” product of our province. The manufacturing revitalization plan proposes that by 2011, 10 domestic famous brands and 8 well -known trademarks in China will be cultivated in the industry.

    This in our province proposes to build five major equipment manufacturing bases such as coal machines and railway equipment, and develop four major equipment manufacturing industrial clusters such as casting. The provincial government will arrange special funds each year to provide key support through discounting, investment subsidies, and capital injection.

    This coal chemical industry

    Senging national engineering centers

    In our province in this coal chemical industry adjustment and revitalization plan, we proposed to cultivate and sell There are 4 companies with income exceeding 10 billion yuan, and 6 companies over 50 billion yuan, of which more than 5 billion yuan of enterprises will account for more than 60%of the province.

    The coal chemical industry is a high -tech industry, and scientific and technological innovation determines the success or failure of the enterprise. To this end, our province will establish a national coal chemical engineering center, 5 national -level enterprise centralized centers, and 20 provincial technology centers. It is hoped that the core technologies such as inferior coal and high -sulfur gasization are realized. breakthrough.

    In order to support scientific and technological innovation, our province will list special funds every year from the Coal Sustainable Development Fund to help coal chemical enterprises carry out technological transformation.

  3. Detailed explanation of the eight major industrial adjustments and revitalization plans of Shanxi

    Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government to implement the overall requirements of the Party Central Committee, the State Council’s overall demand, and regulating structure. Our province’s advantageous industries are highly efficient, sustainable, and healthy, and decided to compile the adjustment and revitalization planning of various industries. According to the arrangements of the Shanxi Provincial Government, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission organized the preparation of four industrial adjustments and revitalization plans, including coal, metallurgy, power and new materials. On May 13th, at the province’s industrial revitalization conference, Li Baoqing, director of the Shanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission, detailed the importance of the eight major industrial adjustment and revitalization planning, the process, main content, and implementation of the eight major industries.

    The importance of planning -solve the current problems of various industries, and grasp the opportunity to implement planning

    Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have always attached great importance to the development of our province’s advantageous industries, coal , Coking, metallurgy, electricity, equipment manufacturing, coal chemical industry, new materials and food and other advantageous industries have always occupied important positions in the province’s industrial development. In recent years, the province’s advantageous industries have better played the advantages of resources, location, technology, economic environment, industrial foundation and market space, and have achieved great development.

    . However, there are still many problems and gaps in various industries in our province. The size of the enterprise is small and the industrial concentration is low; the level of technical equipment is different, and the proportion of backward production capacity is large; The bottleneck has not yet been broken; the resource utilization rate is low, and there is still a gap between energy conservation and emission reduction, and various industries generally face the problem of transformation of transformation. Especially since the second half of last year, the global financial crisis has caused a serious impact on the world economy and the Chinese economy. It has a more serious impact on Shanxi Province, which is based on resource -based industries. Difficulty, some small and medium -sized enterprises have discontinued production, and various industries are facing unprecedented challenges.

    Li Baoqing believes that although the financial crisis has formed a severe impact on our province’s advantageous industries, it has also brought important opportunities for the adjustment and revitalization of the industry. First, from the perspective of the central policy, the central government has successively introduced one after another. A series of measures to respond to the financial crisis have introduced ten major industrial adjustment and revitalization plans to clarify the direction of development. The formation of a large policy support effect will be further emerged; the third is that from the perspective of the development of various industries, our province has large backbone enterprises with important influence nationwide, with coal, aluminum soil, limestone, coal courses, and white cloud stone. Therefore, we must focus on opportunities, formulate and implement industrial adjustment and revitalization plan, promote the steady operation and healthy development of our province’s advantageous industries, and accelerate the adjustment and revitalization of the province’s advantageous industries.

    The planning process of planning -multi -party solicitation comments, two months of the two -month plan to introduce

    mid -February 2009, Governor Wang Jun presided over the executive meeting of the provincial government and decided to prepare me as soon as possible The provincial industrial adjustment and revitalization plan. Among them, coal, metallurgy, power, and new materials are compiled by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and coking, coal chemical industry, food, and equipment manufacturing are compiled by the Provincial Economic Commission. After the meeting, Deputy Governor Chen Chuanping convened the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the responsible comrades of the Provincial Economic Commission to draft. The drafting group has formed a “draft for comments” on the basis of various investigations, forming coal, metallurgy, power, and new material planning.

    In late March, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission wrote a letter to the Provincial Economic Commission, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and the Provincial Department of Finance to solicit opinions, and specially solicited Academician Wang Yide of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Academician Gan Yong, the National “863” New Material Expert Committee, the deputy leader of the new material expert, Professor Zhou Shaoxiong, the leader of the national key discipline, Professor Xu Guanhe, and the relevant national planning writing experts. On the basis of extensive soliciting opinions, each plan was formed, and the “submitted documents” were formed to be reported to the provincial government leaders for review.

    It different stages of the preparation of “Material Planning”, provincial leaders have repeatedly instructed the preparation work. Governor Wang Jun, Vice Governor Niu Renliang, and Vice Governor Chen Chuanping always paid attention to the planning of the plan. Reviewing the planning of each manuscript and putting forward the requirements for multiple times, in accordance with the instructions of the provincial leadership and the latest spirit of the state plan, formed the “submitting review” of each plan. In the second half of April, each plan was reviewed and approved by the provincial government’s executive meeting.

    The main content of the planning -the planned period is 3 years, and the goals, tasks, and measures are clear

    “The planning period of each plan is from 2009 to 2011, and at the same time Focusing on the “Twelve Five -Five”, the goals of all industries to achieve leapfrog development. The planning refers to the country’s industrial adjustment and revitalization plan, which analyzes the current status of the industry and the situation facing. Policies and measures. “Li Baoqing focused on interpreting the main content of the plan in his speech. Each planning included three parts: development goals, main tasks and promotion measures.

    The industrial planning of coal, metallurgy, electricity, and new materials as an example. According to different industrial foundations and market demand, various industries have proposed corresponding total goals: by 2011, coal production by 2011, coal production The capacity maintains a reasonable level, and the coal production capacity is 850 million tons per year; the total amount of metallurgy industry is effectively controlled. 8 million tons, 2 million tons, and 600,000 tons; electricity is planned in accordance with national and provincial planning, the installed capacity reaches 55 million kilowatts, and the delivery of electricity reaches 18 million kilowatts; the new material industry must cultivate and develop into an important industry. Nine industries sell The income reached 62 billion yuan.

    The main tasks of each plan are the following four things in common: to improve the threshold for industrial access, increase industrial concentration, accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity, and strengthen resource environmental protection. In terms of improving the threshold for industrial entry, comprehensively comprehensively the provincial government’s requirements on industrial development, the plan puts forward high -standard technical level requirements as the entry threshold for various industries. Taking the coal industry as an example, the size of the new mine shall not be less than 1.2 million tons of annual output; the scale of merged and reorganizations will reach an annual output of 900,000 tons.

    In terms of increasing the concentration of the industrial, the plan proposes a large -scale backbone enterprise as the main body, merging and reorganization related enterprises, and optimizing resource allocation. Taking the coal industry as an example, the number of ores in the province has been reduced to 1,000, forming a large coal enterprise group of 300 million tons and 40 million tons, and the coal production of large groups accounts for more than 75 % of the province.

    In terms of accelerating the elimination of backward production capacity, the industries of our province generally face the problem of transformation and upgrading. To achieve industrial adjustment and revitalization, it is necessary to continue to eliminate backward production capacity. The plan proposes to close 1600 coal mines and mergers and reorganizations; eliminates 20 million tons of backward ironmaking capacity, 16 million tons of steelmaking capacity, and an electrolytic aluminum production capacity of 200,000 tons; closed thermal power unit 2.6 million kilowatts; Lili kiln and other lagging kiln. While eliminating backward production capacity, it is necessary to support the development of small and medium -sized enterprises that meet industrial policies, and further establish and improve the exit mechanism of backward production capacity.

    In strengthening the environmental protection of resources, the implementation of resource -protected mining policies, and for resources such as coal, aluminum soil, limestone, coal system kaolin, white cloud stone, etc. Develop a circular economy, improve the level of comprehensive utilization of resources, and strive to complete energy -saving and emission reduction tasks such as energy consumption, sulfur dioxide emissions, and wastewater discharge rates. Planning also proposes tasks such as accelerating the development of coalbed methane, improving the safety guarantee capabilities of coal mines, and expanding the market for promotion and delivery.

    It each plan also proposes relevant promotion measures to promote industrial adjustment and revitalization. Its common measures include actively broaden the product market, encourages independent innovation, actively introduce and cultivate talents, appropriately increase land supply , Improve the investment and financing environment, and actively strive for national policies and financial support.

    The implementation of planning —— Do a solid work of four aspects

    According to Li Baoqing, in order to solidly promote the adjustment and revitalization of various advantageous industries, the final part of each plan is clearly clarified. The responsibilities of relevant departments, industry associations, and municipal governments have proposed the division of labor and scheduling of relevant departments, and strived to make overall planning, solidly advance, and jointly promote the adjustment and revitalization of the province’s advantageous industries. As the competent department of comprehensive economic management and investment in the province, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission will do a solid work in accordance with the unified deployment and requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government:

    Global consciousness, do a good job of analysis of the development of the industrial development, further strengthen the investigation and research of industrial development, combine short -term insurance growth with long -term regulatory structure, provide operating dynamics, put forward policy suggestions, and analyze the economic situation; the second is to enhance coordination and cooperation Consciousness, do a good job of communicating and communicating the work, in the promotion of industrial adjustment and revitalization, strengthen coordination and cooperation with relevant provincial departments, do a good job of connection with the leading matters, cooperate in cooperation, strengthen the development and reform departments of the municipal and county development and reform departments Contact and communicate to achieve smooth decree and upside down. The third is to improve service awareness, solve the difficulties and problems of planning projects, accelerate the review of planning projects, help project units to improve procedures for planning land, environmental assessment, energy -saving review, etc. to help project units help project units Implement the construction conditions and work together to solve the difficulties and problems of project construction.

    Li Baoqing emphasized that the fourth aspect is the top priority, that is, the country’s support for our province’s planning projects. He said: “Seize the opportunity of the country’s expansion of domestic demand and add central investment, and actively strive for the state to support the planning projects in our province in project approval and fund arrangements.”

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