5 thoughts on “How to market and promote a new brand”

  1. The “step” of the successful promotion of new brand marketing

    . Ensure the attention and morale of the sales team and dealer, the second batch of business, and work together to promote the new product

    A new product listing training meeting was held to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of each member in the channels. Increase the enthusiasm of sales staff, dealers, and second -batch merchants, and jointly participate in the promotion of new products to form a “three -level linkage” atmosphere to promote the promotion of new products. For example: “the importance of promotion of new products” to sales staff, dealers and two batch merchants, introduce them to the birth ideas, its advantages and benefits of the birth of new products, where the specific packaging taste and price description are described. What is the such as, so that members of the channels have made their hearts in the listing of new products and enhance their confidence. In addition, special assessment of various process indicators for the listing of new products for sales staff, dealers, and two batches of merchants, accelerate the speed of new products, form a new product sales atmosphere, and let them understand that the process is good. The result is naturally good. ” As long as the indicators of the new product promotion process (shop rate, display, promotion, price system, etc.) are available in place, new products will naturally be promoted successfully, and sales will naturally be good. For example, in the process of listing and sales of new products, there will be a series of actions such as advertising, shops, dealers purchase rewards, two batches and zero store promotion, supermarket entry, consumer promotion, sales staff opening rewards, etc. The plan must make specific plans and arrangements for each work to ensure that the activities of the promotion of new products are conducted in an orderly manner. Specifically:

    1. All sales staff, distribution mountains and two -batch new business new product promotion training meetings were held before the listing of new products.

    2. Specialized sales tasks for all sales personnel and dealers;

    . Daily sales reports and conferences reflect the special attention to the performance of new product sales, establish and improve The performance analysis system controls the promotion of new products throughout the process;

    4. The new product performance in the sales period of the listing execution period has become the main issue. “Differential descriptions” for market requirements that cannot complete the new product promotion tasks as scheduled, and incentives for rewards;

    5. Sales competitions (such as: new product sales champions) will publicly commend and commend and commended the winners publicly Reward;

    6. Personnel bonus assessment system, the sales volume of new products is reached from the total sales volume to propose a separate assessment;

    7. Senior leaders of the enterprise Inspection, point out the work vulnerability and assist in;

    . Ensure that dealers are purchased and distribute them in the correct channel

    Enter new products in accordance with the company’s purchase standards and distribute new products on the right channels. Because in the process of actual promotion, the sales staff and dealers of the enterprise often judge that the new products are not selling well with their own subjective judgment, so they are dragged and not purchased or appropriately entering the point. Judging new products developed by enterprises will definitely affect the successful promotion of new products. For example, a liquor company held a new product promotion training meeting on all channel personnel in the early days of the listing of new products, and also formulated a detailed promotion plan. However, during the specific promotion, A dealer subjectively believed that the new product was not easy to sell, and it was unwilling to buy it. It was impossible to promote the dealer without entering the new product. The number of goods is purchased, but the new and high -priced new products are sold to C, D hotels and C, D -class super -channel sales. As a result, the appropriate products are not sold in the appropriate terminal store. Reflect that the new products of the enterprise are not easy to sell.

    . Ensure that the guidance and assistance to the promotion of new product must be involved

    Meging to ensure that the guidance and assistance of a member in the channel must participate in the guidance and assistance of product promotion. That is, after the dealer purchases the goods, it is necessary to allow the salesperson to get new products in the market. When visiting the terminal store, the information of the new product must be informed of the terminal store and the promotion policy is accurately introduced to the terminal store (selling new products for new products (selling new products Profit is more profitable than old products). For example: C dealer entered the new product according to the requirements of the company, but after the new product enters, the salesperson’s delivery truck will not be installed on the truck every day, and the salesman has not told the terminal store about the information listed on the new product. It has not introduced the promotion policy of new products to the terminal store, and the terminal store does not know the information of the new product listing, and it is not known that the sales of new products are more profitable than selling old products. As a result Essence Therefore, if the members of the channel do not have the guidance and assistance to the new products, they will say that the new products are not easy to sell, and the promotion of new products will definitely not succeed.

    . Ensure the price system of the new product

    Keng to ensure that new products are sold in accordance with the price system stipulated by the enterprise, because before the new product is listed, the company has undergone a large number of market surveys, according to the according to the market survey, according to the according to the market survey, according to the according to the market, according to a large market survey. The actual development of the market shows new products suitable for the market. Therefore, in the process of promotion of new products, the dealer’s shipment price must be checked correctly, whether it is implemented at the price prescribed by the enterprise; whether the retail price of the terminal is correct, is it sold in accordance with the unified retail price prescribed by the enterprise. In the actual promotion process, the channel members often change the price system sales of new products in enterprises without authorization. As a result, it affects the promotion of new products. Instead, new products developed by enterprises are not suitable for their own markets. For example, the price system formulated by the new product of enterprise A when listing: dealer’s fare: 20 yuan/bottle (the profit of the dealer comes from the rebate of the company), the terminal store opening price: 20 yuan/bottle, terminal, terminal The retail price of the store is 25 yuan/bottle. However, in the process of actual promotion, the dealer privately changed the terminal opening price to 25 yuan/bottle, and the retail price of the terminal store was changed to 35 yuan/bottle. As a result, the price system of the new product was separated from the company’s promotion of new products to suppress competition. The purpose of seizing the market share of 25 yuan price, as a result, the end store feels that the packaging material of the new product can not support the price of 35 yuan/bottle, which makes the market market rate of new products slow and the market is slow. Essence

    5. Ensure that the new product display and sales

    In ensure that the new products are displayed in accordance with the enterprise’s display standard display and ensure the active sales of the terminal owner. Because in the new product research and development stage, companies have undergone a large number of market surveys, so as to establish a competitive advantage of new products in the market, and formulate corresponding promotional policies and display standards during promotion. Therefore, in the process of promotion of new products, we must ensure that the counter display is made in accordance with the display standards of the enterprise, and in the process of maintenance, the advantages of the new product of the terminal store and the profit space for the sales of new products, as well as the sales of new products that sell new products Incentive policy. If the display is unqualified and the owner does not know the profit and policy of selling new products, then the promotion of new products cannot be successful. For example, the channel members of the company A reflect that the new products are not selling well in the process of promotion of new products. As a result, the company’s marketing department personnel found that the terminal store signed the display agreement during the visit of the market, but some of the new products in the warehouse of the terminal store did not put it on the counter at all; Essence When asked how much the new product of the terminal store was contributed and how much money it was sold, the terminal store did not know, which means that the sales of new products for terminal stores do not know that the profit margin of the same price is more profitable than selling the same price. As a result, the promotion of new products in the market was slow.

    6. Make sure the label rate of new products

    This inspection is the basis for successful listing of new products. It does not make sense, so it is necessary to ensure that the new product reaches the prescribed market rate in the market (below 60%of the market rate is difficult to determine whether the new product is suitable for the market). For example, when a company was promoted by a new product, the dealer was shipped and shipped. As a result, when the dealer was promoted by the new product, he only put the new product to a few terminal stores that had a good relationship with him. The terminal store is eating solo, so their retail price is very high. As a result, the new product did not form a certain market share in the market, and the low market share caused low market influence.

    7. The market rate of the number of terminal sales points that can ensure the control of power

    The shop rate of the so -called ending of the terminal outlets refers to the terminal store and dealer The relationship between the customer is very good. It has been selling other products of dealers, but there is no new product. If such terminals do not know that new products listed information and sales of new product policies may not be purchased, it proves that dealers have not promoted new products at all. Such as;

    Mo dealers have been conflicting with the market that new products are not suitable for their own market, terminal stores do not accept new products, etc. As a result, the company’s senior management personally visited the market and communicated with the terminal store. As a result, communication was communicating. I learned that it was not that the new product was not easy to sell, but that the dealers did not introduce the advantages and promotion policies of new products to them accurately.

    8. Ensure that the bonus system of employees promoting employees is in place. The commission is higher than the sale of old products. New products have rewards for opening stores. To ensure that the employees of dealers know that the commission of new products is higher than that of old products, new products are also available in store opening. If the dealer’s employees do not know that these incentive policies will not be able to push new products. For example, a company has formulated corresponding incentive policies for employees of dealers in the early days of new products. However, in the process of actual promotion, the dealer has deducted the company’s incentive policies themselves, so that employees have no enthusiasm in the promotion of new products, resulting in slow promotion of new products.

    “Happy families are similar, and unhappy families have their own misfortunes.” It turns out that to ensure the successful promotion of the new brand, it is necessary to formulate a strict promotion plan, and it is implemented according to the advancement steps.

  2. Under normal circumstances, new brands are recommended to finish the encyclopedia first, and then remember to be a company’s official website, because the company’s official website is still important. Secondly, it can bring some customers in a short time for bidding. Wait for some channels to promote.
    Of course, any promotion is accumulated. Don’t think about how much traffic and customers come in the early stage, as long as you insist on doing in the later stage, you can continue to stream.

  3. Brand operations need to have a clear goal planning. What kind of results need to be achieved at each stage, refine it, strengthen risk monitoring, establish effective solutions, and always ensure that the promotion is maintained on the right track.

    In the current market situation, it is very important for product users, competitive products, product positioning analysis, brand promotion analysis and positioning, and the vitality and competitiveness of the brand.

    The user group analysis

    Big data user survey portraits, fully understand the user’s residence, age, culture, economic income and other factors, grasp the user’s consumption habits and personality, determine whether the product brand is applicable to the target group, understand the user on the website of various various on the website Browse, click, and buy the business truth behind them.

    Coufend analysis

    , Fully understand the products and market dynamics of competitors, master the background of opponents, meet the market user needs and vacancy markets, judge the other party’s strategic intention and the latest brand adjustment direction, quickly adjust themselves, formulate feasible operation strategies for products, maintain their own brands The stability or rapid market share of products in the market.

    product analysis

    A brand must have a clear positioning to determine the development of the development point to determine the development direction. First of all, we must clearly know what the product brand is, what kind of users to use, what kind of demand it has, how big the market is, what functions should the product contain, which services need to be provided, and how to push the brand to the market.

    brand promotion

    good promotion is the key to winning the market for brand products. Execute the promotion plan. Online promotion methods include but not limited to Internet search engines, Weibo, WeChat, video, community, self -media, etc., while offline include TV, newspapers, venues, leaflets, billboards, etc. In view of different products, etc. There are different applications and needs. This is independently selected by the company’s actual situation.

    brand habits

    For most startup companies, simple and rude brand advertisements Advertising costs are very expensive. Through limited advertising expenses, it is gradually promoted, and the subtle affects potential target groups and long -term target customers, and finally achieves brand matrix transmission.

    promotion costs

    long -term reduction in promotion cost depends on, useful or interesting products, products are indispensable for products Replacement, bringing a super -expected experience, and being able to spread self -properly, is the most difficult direction.

  4. The most important thing for the new brand in the early stage is infrastructure construction and brand exposure. Then it is a drainage. We have just found someone to do it. The price is quite cheap. Compared with other advertising companies, it is much more affordable. Both service or price can be compared, and the advantages are quite large.

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