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    1959, Ernie.c.fraze, DRT company of DRT, Emperor City, Ohio After the cans, the material of the tank lid itself is processed to form a rivet through the process of processing, and a pull ring is riveted on the coat. The invention of this day has made a historic breakthrough after 150 years of long development. At the same time, it has laid a solid foundation for the development of cans and beverage industry. Easy cans originated from the United States and prevailed in the United States.

    In 1940, Europe and the United States began to sell beer with stainless steel. The emergence of aluminum tanks in the same period also became a leap in tank -making technology. In 1963, the Yila can invented in the United States. It inherited the design characteristics of the previous cans and designed the Yilai ring at the top. This is a revolution that opens the way, which brings great convenience and enjoyment to people, so it will be widely used soon. By 1980, the European and American markets basically used this aluminum can as a packaging form of beer and carbonated beverages. With the advancement of design and production technology, the aluminum tank tends to be lightweight, from the initial 60 grams to about 21-15 grams in 1970. Market demand conditions
    This supply and demand trends in North America
    After entering the 1990s, the markets of both parties in North America continued to expand. By the end of the 1990s, supply and demand tended to stabilize, and the growth rate was slow. At present, there are 169 Yila can production lines in North America, with an average production line of 1522 can / min, the annual total production capacity is about 109 billion, and the market demand is about 107 billion. About 157 left, the production line speed will increase 1630 cans / min. Cuba currently has an annual production capacity of 300 million tanks, with an annual demand of 230 million. According to the forecast of experts, the overall supply and demand market in North America has increased small and has tended to stabilize, but it will increase in new cans such as 700ml specifications and 250ml for functional beverages. In recent years in the United States, Easy Tibet demand unit: 100 million
    years 1994 1999 1996 1998 1999 2000
    demand 1010 982 991 1007 1040 1070
    The total demand for beverage tanks in 2000 reached 35.5 billion, and in the first half of 2001, it reached 180 million, an increase of 5 % compared with the same period last year. The main reason is that the demand in the beverage market increases by 6 % and beer increased by 5 %. The demand for tanks increases. In 2000, Germany’s growth rate reached 3.7 billion, leading European leaders in the United Kingdom. The British increased by about 30 million. Spain and Gyllastone increased by 10 %, with a total growth of 2.6 billion. The demand for Spanish beverage cans has grown fastest after Britain and Germany. Last year, the total demand reached 5,200 million. It is expected to continue to grow. Mivisa is the largest cans in Spain. In 1999, sales reached 1. 5.5 billion US dollars, in recent years, sales have risen strongly, while the sales of this tank factory in 1991 were only $ 45 million. As cans are optimistic about the market demand of Spain and Ben tooth, the United States Crown Crown Group is building a can tank production line in Spain. It uses Macong Iron Materials to produce 330ml of beverage cans, with an annual output of 750 million. It is expected to be put into production in 2002. Poland’s demand for metal packaging containers will continue to rise. It is expected that the consumption of metal materials used for packaging will reach 3.4 million tons by 2004. The CANPAK tank company has 3 production lines in Poland. The three supporting production lines produced 202 and 206 specifications are easy to open. At present, two production of 500ml aluminum quality tank production lines are being built. The initial production capacity is 600 million yuan. After that, it is planned to increase the production capacity to 85 million. Because of the popularity of Red Bull functional beverages in 250ml, Australia has increased by 6 0 % in 2000, with a total of 1 billion. According to experts’ predictions, the demand for cans in Europe will remain at a growth rate of 4 % to 5 % in the future.
    The problem of overcapacity in South America
    In the mid -1990s, the needs of can tanks in South America showed huge potential, promoted the rapid development of the tank industry, and the total production capacity reached 30 billion. With the continuous expansion of tank production capacity, it reached 90 to 90 The production capacity of the end of the age has excessive 30 %. With the continuous increase in demand, the current excess production capacity has shrunk to 21.6 %, and by 2004, it is expected to shrink to about 10.5 %. Brazil is the largest drink and beer consumer market in South America. It is also the area where the demand for packaging containers has grown the most powerful. The annual consumer aluminum is 9 billion tanks, the annual consumer is 125,000 tons, and 65 % is used in beer packaging. There are 8 tank factories and 3 easy -opening factories in drinks. The demand is expected to increase in 5 % in the future. In addition, in terms of steel packaging containers, the annual consumption of nearly 700,000 tons of macyou iron, per capita consumption of about 4kg, of which 65 % are used for food packaging, 6 % are used for tank production, and the rest are used in chemical and other aspects. Mexico’s demand for the cans of Yila is second only to Brazil with an annual production capacity of 7 billion, and it will soon reach 90 billion. In recent years, demand has risen steadily.
    Mexican packaging container demand
    If: 100 million
    1997 1999
    aluminum 59 65 68
    steel quality 33.6 36.3 40 group production accounting Advantages
    The Deto -Rexam is the world’s number one beverage packaging container manufacturer with an annual output of more than 40 billion yuan. In 2000, the total sales of the group increased by 17 % compared with 1999, and the profit rose 18 %. The main surface of the tank packaging container has increased by 95 % compared with 1999. The reason for the sharp rise in the variety of Yilai cans is that in July 2000, a large U.S. tank factory — a national tank company was acquired. Provide a 250ml can for Australian Red Bull function drinks. The cost of this can is lower than that of 33 0ml, while the sales price is higher. The company also built a factory in the suburbs of Russia, with sales of about 50 % in 1999 and 2,000. In order to obtain the EU’s recognition of the REXAM acquisition of the national tank company, the tank factories in the group are reorganized and transferred in some cans in Britain, Germany, and France. The tank market accounts for 40 % of the market share. There are a total of 144 factories worldwide, with 75 % of drinking tanks in total annual sales. Crown and Boer are the larger tank groups in the world. The Crown Group has 223 factories and distributed 50 countries. There is one in every 5 beverage cans worldwide from the crown. There is one from the crown. Boer’s total annual production capacity in North America is about 35 billion, and it has 35 % of aluminum two -piece cans in the United States. Kurz is a large beer factory in the United States. The annual output of 4.5 billion cans and covers the beer packaging to the company. In order to reduce the cost of the tank packaging, Kurz installed a joint venture with Boer, so that the cans of the cans moved to the tank industry. specialization. These group manufacturers have strong competitive advantages. They have strong advantages in reducing product costs from technological progress, procurement of raw and auxiliary materials, and equipment updates. Metal materials tend to be aluminum plates
    The materials for making cans are made: one is aluminum, and the other is the pornographic iron. The consumption of aluminum materials used in the United States for packaging containers reached 1999,200 tons in 1998, an increase of 2.24 % over 1997. It became the second largest consumer market, accounting for 21.6 % of the annual aluminum consumption. The United States has always used aluminum sheets in canas, and about 40 % of aluminum plates are used for production of jar every year. About 14 % of European aluminum metal materials are used for beverage production. Due to the high recycling and re -use value of aluminum metal, it has now begun to turn to aluminum. Aluminum, an increase of 2 % over 1998. In 1999, it increased 9 % compared with 1999. The United Kingdom was 6 6 % in 1999 and 6 % in 2000. Finland, Switzerland, Greece, Italy, Poland and other can began to tend to use 100 % aluminum, Germany 10 %, France, France, France About 30 % each in Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Because the cost of steel cans is about 7 % lower than the cost of aluminum can, the steel can beverage packaging market in the South American region, but with the improvement of environmental awareness. As well as the recycling of resources, the aluminum quality of the packaging material is gradually replaced by steel. Brazil’s adoption rate is now 65 %, and it will increase by 10 % in the next two years. In terms of spray tanks, in the past, it has been dominated by steel, and many products have shifted to aluminum since 2000, with a growth rate of 2 % to 3 %. Quality spray tanks will gradually occupy the market. The recycling of aluminum
    The strong opponent of aluminum in the packaging industry comes from PET materials. PET materials can be made of a strange appearance through injection molding molds, and aluminum materials are relatively difficult, but there is a big difference in the price of the two materials. PET is affected by petroleum prices, and aluminum can be used through its own recycling, reducing material costs and values ​​by environmental organizations. In recent years, Europe and the United States and some areas of active consumption in canned cans have continuously increased the recovery rate of aluminum tanks and aluminum packaging materials. In terms of recycling, earlier countries have no longer arguing about the recovery value of waste aluminum tanks, and they have become daily work. The late country is working very hard. The United States is the country with the highest recovery rate earlier. Germany and lotus play a leader in Europe. Mexico advocates a 100 % recovery rate. In recent years, the recovery rate of waste cans in the United States %
    The year 1997 1998 1999 2000
    The recovery rate 60 56 57.9 62.5
    1999 American waste aluminum, steel packaging container recovery rate r r r r r
    unit: 10,000 tons
    The consumer recycling recycling rate
    aluminum packaging 232 134.2 57.9 %
    steel packaging 235 137.68 58.6 %
    Environmental studies The family believes that aluminum tanks are more environmentally friendly compared to other packaging containers. As far as their containers are concerned, repeated recycling to reduce environmental pollution; as far as the materials they use, aluminum materials are repeatedly used to save resources, maintain the earth’s environment, and other packaging, and other packaging For plastics and PET materials that are generally prevalent, containers are derived from oil and continuous mining of oil, which will cause the exhaustion of resources. In 1999, the recovery rate of scrap steel containers in some countries %
    The country, USA, Germany, Germany, Italy, Britain, Australia
    Recycling rate 58.6 82.9 80 75 10 30 73
    Note: ① European steel steel The total level of quality packaging containers is 47 %.
    ② The recovery rate of aluminum tanks in Japan in 1998 was 74.4 %, and 79 % were then used in the manufacturing of aluminum tank materials.
    Im constant technical improvement and asset reorganization
    In order to keep tanks dominant in drinking and beer packaging, the tank industry has continuously carried out technical transformation, reducing costs and improvement of appearance has become the main theme. In order to reduce costs, the US Crown Group has developed aluminum -easy opening called “super cover”. And push to the market. It is said that this product can save 10 % of the material compared to the original product. At present, the annual production capacity of this product is 1.8 billion, which is accelerating the expansion of production plans to meet demand. Recently, it will achieve an annual output of 7 billion production capacity. In addition, the company also developed a self -cooled can using environmentally friendly refrigeration materials. The first batch of 35 million pushed to the market. This kind of self -cooled tank can achieve a decrease of 15 ° C in less than three minutes after the rod is opened. In terms of reducing the thickness of the material, North America has shifted from 204 specifications to 202 specifications, and the thickness of the aluminum material used was reduced to 0.259mm, and the steel material was 0.22mm. The control of the ink volume in the metal color printing is used to eliminate the difference between the color and intention of the same pattern color and the meaning of the color of the same pattern, and whether the light is sufficient to judge the color. Quantitative analysis. The cost of relief and alien process for the improvement of tank -shaped appearance is also effectively controlled. Picking up the realistic character patterns of the world metal packaging container in 2001 and the easy -to -pull cans of animal patterns, we can see the results and steering of metal color printing technology.
    The larger internationally larger tank groups, as well as the Yilao -to -tank equipment mold manufacturers have been carrying out assets in recent years
    to reorganize to control costs more effectively. The domestic Yila tank industry is still in the predicament
    The domestic Yila can began in the early 1980s. Although there was only 20 years of history, it had gone through three crisis. The first time was under the background of the implementation of silver root tightening in 1988. The domestic public opinion community launched a fierce discussion on whether the production and consumption in accordance with the national conditions of production and consumption. At that time, the canas were considered as high consumption and worship. At the same time, the state increased the import tariffs on the original auxiliary materials from 20 % to 40 %. Production companies were facing the test of life and death. The second crime occurred in June 1989. Due to the well -known reasons, the national beverage market plummeted, and the jar industry was in trouble. The third time is “exchange rate storm”. After entering the 1990s, the domestic Yila can develop rapidly. It turned out that the tank factories expanded and the new factories increased, so as to achieve an annual output of 10 billion production capacity. crisis. In recent years, domestic demand for canas has remained between 6 billion and 7 billion, so domestic tank factories have not been able to get rid of the predicament. This is the impact of the traditional consumption habits and consumption levels of the people. The glass bottle still dominates beer packaging. On the other hand, the cans are no longer regarded as high consumer goods or become fashionable consumption, but because they have a certain economic level of consumption price, it is difficult to become popular consumption and replace glass bottles. Package. Furthermore, at present, due to most of the tank industry, and affected by related industries, tank factories must invest a lot of funds for a large amount of technological transformation to reduce it, so that the overall price is reduced to promote consumption. With market competition, the law of survival of the fittest will be shown in the domestic tank industry. The domestic tank industry will refer to the development of the development of the tank industry abroad for technical transformation and carry out asset reorganization for development. According to experts’ predictions, by 2005, the cost of aluminum metal used for packaging will reach 900,000 tons, accounting for approximately 14.3 % of the total aluminum consumption. With the continuous growth of the national economy, the improvement of the living standards of the people and the emphasis on environmental protection, the domestic cans will usher in a bright day after the fourth crisis. In short, the development of the cans of the cans is closely related to the economic development level of the area. Economic development has promoted the improvement of environmental protection awareness, and promotes the recycling of effective resources, thereby forming a virtuous cycle.

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