Milk tea consumers vomit paper straws, which one do you think paper straws and plastic straws are better than?

5 thoughts on “Milk tea consumers vomit paper straws, which one do you think paper straws and plastic straws are better than?”

  1. Because many milk tea shops are released now, there are no plastic straws for bronchies, but there are many milk tea consumers who vomit stray straws, thinking that only the straws are not convenient enough. I think it is not so convenient than the execution tube of the plastic straw. If it is me, I think plastic straws are easier to use.
    Why are plastic straws easier to use? There are mainly the following reasons.
    The first, the paper straw is easy to break.
    I remember that when I got milk tea, I found that it was a straw. I felt very curious. Why would everyone replace it with a finger straw? At first I felt very fun and novel, but after drinking, I found that there was something wrong. First of all, the first straight straw, it was very easy to break.
    I I believe that when you drink milk tea, you do n’t drink it after drinking it, but slowly taste it, you may have to drink it all at once. Drinking one afternoon means that you take a bite for a while. In this case, only the straw is very easy to break. Sometimes I drink and drink the straw and start the water.
    and I just like to start rotting slowly. This feeling is very bad, that is, after you drink half of it, you will find that the bronchial tube is rotten. If you want to continue to drink Remove it, but this is actually very inconvenient.
    Secondly, the taste of the paper suction tube is not good.
    When I did n’t take a closer care, I did n’t realize that the taste of the plastic straw was so good, but when the tube came carefully, I found that it was in the mouth of the paper. Comfortable. Not only the taste of paper, because we often use plastic straws, we are used to being very suitable for plastic straws. Once replaced with paper straws, we will find that it is contained in our mouths. When drinking milk tea, I often feel like I have drank paper. And it feels that the milk tea tastes milk tea. Since I used the only straw, I often bought milk tea, and I used the straws at home to drink milk tea because I felt that its taste was not very good.
    In addition to these two reasons, there are actually many small problems, but I think that small problems can be overcome. As for why the paper straw is now because the plastic straws are too environmentally friendly, but the carefully tube is relative to relative to the relative tube. It may be more environmentally friendly. In fact, I also know. So, I think it is better to adapt to this bronchial. Although I like plastic straws, do not use plastic straws. After all, it is polluted by the environment. And I think that once I am used to habits, I basically do not have much complaints.

  2. The plastic is not environmentally friendly and the paper is better. It is only recommended that paper straws can be strengthened to change, because the feeling of paper straws is really not as good as plastic.

  3. I think plastic straws are better. Plastic straws are more sharp. It is more convenient when inserting the milk cup, and it will not be turned on when drinking milk tea, which is relatively convenient.

  4. In terms of good use, I still think that plastic straws are better, but the paper straws are also okay. For environmental protection, I can also accept it.

  5. Of course, plastic straws are better, because plastic straws are particularly strong and durable and are not afraid of high temperature.

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