1 thought on “What are the catering marketing skills and methods?”

  1. 1. Catering marketing techniques and methods: First, design skills and methods with customers as the starting point. No matter what scale and type of catering, marketing is inseparable from the needs of customers, and it is inseparable from the consumption habits of customers. When doing marketing activities, we must use this as the core for design and planning.
    2, catering marketing techniques and methods: make good pricing of dishes, design detailed price marketing solutions. Price is one of the most concerned places for people to eat and buy things. For the catering industry, marketing skills also have prices. A reasonable and effective price of dishes will attract consumers to consume. They can also use price discount packages and other customers.
    3, catering marketing skills and methods: service upper and lower work. A good service level will make customers feel like returning home. It is very comfortable in their hearts, and it will be much sweet to eat. Catering must be successful in marketing, and it is inseparable from high -quality services. Whether it is a dish and a front desk reception, it must be done well.
    4, catering marketing skills and methods: with the help of media promotion and promotion. No matter how good the marketing plan is, it needs to be promoted and promoted. This will let more consumers know and understand, and can better implement the marketing plan. Cooperate with the media to jointly promote and promote, and the effect is better.
    5, catering marketing skills and methods: maintaining your own core dishes, has unique advantages. Marketing requires highlights, and its core dishes are highlights, where others can’t catch up with themselves. There are unique places and many advantages. Whether it is in shape or taste, there must be innovation. More loud.
    6, catering marketing skills and methods: Create scarcity. For example, your own signature dishes are limited to each day, and only a small part can be provided. This can also make your own catering popular. Of course, your own signature dishes are really delicious. In addition, scarcity can also bring more passenger flow to your own restaurant and create topics.

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