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  1. Summary of the work summary of the electronic banking (selected 5 articles)
    The time passed by, and the work activities came to an end. Looking back on the results of the work since this time, what do you have? It’s time to carefully write a job summary. Is it really difficult to write a work summary? The following is a summary of the e -bank work summary of the e -banks I compiled. For reference only, you are welcome to read.

    The work summary of the work of electronic banking 1 20xx. In accordance with the work focus and plan of the municipal branch, our bank carried out marketing solidly. , Maintain the continuous, fast and coordinated development of electronic banking business.
    . Complete the various tasks issued by the city branch
    20xx. In the year of 20xx, our company’s online banking task is 49, and the actual completion rate is 108.89%. 3483, the completion rate is 174.15%; 20 tasks for public telephone banking, the actual completion of 22, the completion rate is 110%; the personal telephone banking task is 900, the actual completion of 157, the completion rate is 17.44%; 12, the actual completion of 12, the completion rate is 100%; the online bank transaction amount is 5.2 billion, the actual completion of 7.818 billion, the completion rate is 150.35%; It was 108.33%; the intermediate income task of electronic banks was 140,000 yuan, and the actual completed 1.522 billion yuan was actually completed, with a completion rate of 108.71%. At the same time, several ascending and testing of electronic banking business will be completed overtime.
    . Tongli cooperates to do a good job of the marketing of electronic banks
    1. Our bank sets the company’s business department as the contact department of electronic banking business, provides technical services, and is responsible for marketing for electronic banking business Installation and daily maintenance work. All outlets under the jurisdiction work together to do a good job of publicity. Due to the development of electronic banking business, it has reduced a lot of counter pressure for our banks.
    2. The business department provides business support for the business of electronic banking, and specifically handle the business processing of electronic banks, such as information entry, landing processing, online printing, card production card, handling fee, and customer business aspects of business. Consultation and so on. And do a good job of handling various electronic banking business in accordance with the system.
    3. The accounting settlement department, as the inspection and supervision and business training department of accounting settlement, do a good job of business training and system implementation to various outlets under its jurisdiction to effectively ensure the security precautions and risks of our banks’ business operations. Control work.
    . Specific measures
    1. Increase marketing efforts and improve the reputation of our electronic banking brand. First of all, the marketing of our electronic banking business has the deputy manager of the company’s business department, and set up a full -time personnel in the company’s business department to contact the online banking units to handle the installation and system maintenance of the public online banking to ensure that it is guaranteed to ensure The steady development of our electronic banks.
    2. Strictly grasp the quality of accounting and prevent capital risks. Starting from the application information of the acceptance customers, the electronic banking business has risk points in various links, and it has begun to be constrained by the operating process and standard system. Our bank requires the personnel to handle the business in strict accordance with the process and the system, and establish inspections and notifications. , Reward, punishment and other assessment mechanisms. Maintain the security operation of our electronic banking business.
    3. Strengthen training to improve employee business level and comprehensive quality. Our bank conducts training work on different needs of various departments on different needs of electronic banking business. For example, for the company’s business department, our bank focuses on introducing various brand names, product functions, and issues that need attention in the marketing process. In order to improve employees’ marketing capabilities. For each outlet, the operating processes and rules and regulations of the electronic banking business are mainly introduced to improve employees’ business processing capabilities. Therefore, we will comprehensively improve our service means and minimize the pressure on the cabinet.
    4. Strengthen the connection with the enterprise and find problems in time. In addition to our travel with a special person responsible, our banks are included in the introduction of the electronic banking business in various bank -enterprise conferences, responsible for answering questions raised by customers, such as the cost of electronic banking that customers care about At the same time, it also instilled the customer’s electronic banking business knowledge and new business varieties to improve the use of electronic banking business.
    . The main problems existing
    Over the past year, the overall development of our electronic banking business is good, but there are also some problems:
    . Some indicators have completed the progress slow, such as personal telephone banking The task completion rate is only 17.44%, and there is still a distance from the completion of the task.
    2. The implementation of the system needs to be strengthened. The changes of the personnel of our bank are relatively frequent. When there is a change in personnel, the probability of business errors increases.
    2. Business promotion and application needs to be strengthened. Although our bank has completed the work tasks issued by the city bank. For example, the number of online banks has exceeded a large number of online banks, but some customers have little online transaction volume, and there are concerns about online banking using our bank.
    20xx, the task of work issued by the city branch will definitely exceed this year’s task. Our bank will combine this year’s work, summarize experience, innovate operations, standardize development, and prevent risks.
    1. Seriously arrange and implement the task issued by the 20xx city branch.
    2. Continue to promote performance management and promote the comprehensive improvement of the performance of electronic banking business.
    3. Improve the marketing level of marketers.
    5. Increase learning and training to enable each employee to meet the needs of business comprehensive.
    The work summary of the electronic banking 2 As the temperature dropped several degrees, the days have once again entered the December. Looking at the snowflakes full of sky, I realized that 20xx is about to pass. This year is a year of harvest and a year of innovation. With the further development of our business this year, our bank has taken an important step in transformation and development -cross -regional operations. In 20xx, our bank determined the goal of setting up a branch in Shuozhou, and obtained the business permit of the relevant unit in XX year month. 20xx X Yueshuo State Branch officially began renovation and was basically completed at the end of May. As an employee of the electronic banking department, I was with the deep feelings of Datong Commercial Bank, and the pride of the Datong Commercial Bank in Shuozhou in Shuozhou. Aspirations, I took the initiative to sign up to work in Shuozhou Branch. In a blink of an eye, half a year later, I will give my thoughts and work conditions in the past six months as a summary report:
    . Personal ideological situation in new jobs
    After coming to the Shuozhou Branch, I devoted them to the work with twelve points. In the early days of the CCB, there were many things. If you take the initiative, you need to cooperate with your colleagues. I try my best to cooperate and do it myself. Based on my previous work expertise and personal ability, the branch leaders arranged for the work of the electronic banking department of the branch of the branch to see the trust of the branch leader. Thinking of myself from an ordinary employee to a manager. My mood was excited I was nervous again, calmed down and thought about it. In my work, I was not much different from my previous work. I was still confident in myself. I believe that I can definitely complete everything I assigned by the leadership, but I think I used to do it before. I used to do it before. Those who work in specific work have no management experience. Now the leadership leaders are fully responsible for the work of the electronic banking department of the branch, and they are a bit false in their hearts. They are afraid that they cannot do the work of the entire department. Think about it, the experience is accumulated, and everything will be everything after life. The enthusiasm in my heart has risen again. I secretly determines that I must unite closely around President Pei. Give full play to your own strengths and expertise to do a good job of the scientific and technological work of the branch.
    . The completion of the year of the year
    1. The construction and management of the center of the branch center
    Tozhou branch as the first cross -regional operation of our bank, the construction of various infrastructure is essential The construction of the central computer room is even more important. After the establishment of the branch of the branch, it was immediately put into the construction and commissioning of the central computer room. During the time, the normal operation of the computer room was guaranteed, and it contributed to the employee training and trial operations of the branch. At present, the branch room of the branch has been officially set up, and our department has also formulated the corresponding computer room management and entry and exit system to further ensure the safe operation of the central computer room.
    2. The construction of the branch network
    Pelasia after the construction of the machine room, the main work of the department is the construction of the inner and external network in the branch. After negotiation with related operators, the line rental matters are determined. The planning and allocation are also completed in a short period of time. After cooperation with the science and technology department of the head office, all the internal and external networks at the end of July were connected.
    3. The construction of the branch communication network system
    Puk of the branch building will be led by our department to cooperate with China Unicom to build a communication network system for the branch. So far, a total of 16 fixed telephones have been installed. There are more than 30 personal mobile phone business, rent a special line of 2M business network, and one 10M Internet dedicated line. According to the characteristics of our behavior in different places, the characteristics of more long -distance telephones, after negotiations with our department and Unicom, our bank’s fixed telephone is all 90 yuan monthly package, and the large -term provincial communication costs are saved, and the Datong commercial bank Shuo Shuo Shuo Shuo Shuo Shuo Shuo The colorful bells of the state branch have improved our social image.
    4. Submitting of the application materials
    The relevant departments of our department cooperate with the customer manager department, the risk management department and other relevant departments to jointly formulate the relevant system application materials of the Shuozhou branch. Financial City Specialty Network has made a certain contribution.
    5. Debugging and installation of the various equipment of the branch business department
    The early period of the CCB, when the staff had fewer personnel, and the task was urgent to install more than 10 terminal equipment for the branch business department, and 16 units, 7 business computers. All these devices were detected and commissioned to ensure that the equipment was running normally, and IP address allocation and network connection were performed for these devices. At present, these devices have been connected to our business network. And it is running normally.
    6. Personnel training
    mid -July, under the organization of the branch, our department conducted computer knowledge on all business personnel of the business department and during the business processing process. It greatly enriches the computer knowledge level and the ability to operate on the machine.
    7. Installation and network debugging of the electronic equipment of the Ministry of Organization
    The computers and printing equipment were installed for each department of the branch organs, and various people’s banks, including various departments including the Ministry of Sales Department, and various departures of various departments. The reporting system of the CBRC.
    8. Institutional construction
    Penging after the establishment of our department, we have written department responsibilities and responsibilities of each position according to the organizational structure and post establishment of the head office; , Anti -room entry and exit system and operating log in the computer room. With the construction of the branch system, the system has been on the wall.
    9. The improvement of the level of system protection
    Our department cooperates with the public security organs to do a good job in the security protection and setting work of the information system, and issue various types of level -level protection documents. According to the inspection requirements of the public security organs, formulate The corresponding system and posts were established. It is also led by our department and organized relevant personnel to participate in the training of information system security officers organized by the public security organs.
    10. The safety construction of the virus system
    The 360 ​​antivirus software and 360 security guard software for all computers of the branch, establishing a virus monitoring mechanism and regular updating of the virus library, and regular anti -virus system, which is the security of the branch computer. Operation plays a role in escorting.
    The time like flowing water, unknowingly, the old year is about to pass, and the new year has come towards us quickly. The big ship of Shuozhou Branch carried the hope and dream of a generation of commercial banks, and it was slowly sailing in the new year’s sun. Although we still have bumps and bumps, I believe that as long as all our colleagues are closely united in close unity in the unity of all colleagues in the same unity in Around President Pei, he thought about it and went to the other place. Then, under the leadership of President Pei, Shuozhou Branch would definitely get out of a great development path and a glorious and bright tomorrow.
    The summarizes that I finally wrote it as lyric, but they were all feeling, and they returned to the work of 20xx. Although I did a lot of work, I wrote a lot, but I still cannot include all bit at work. Although a small result is made, it is far from the requirements of the leadership and the goals in my heart. In the new year, I must strive to improve my thoughts, business, and management level. The good colleagues learned, led the branch electronic banking department, under the leadership and guidance of President Pei, made greater results, and played the work functions of the department better.
    The work summary of Electronic Banking 3 Commercial Banks take the lead in launching the “One Netcom” of the online banking, becoming a pioneer in the market for online banking in my country. At that time, I was just a student. I never thought about what I would have to do with the bank, let alone have such a great impact on electronic banks on my future life.
    In a blink of an eye, I became an ICBC employee from a student, from an ignorant girl to a role of a mother as a wife. Not to mention that ICBC Electronic Bank also silently accompanied me through this journey of life, and I also firmly believe that “it” will always be around me in my future life journey, and I will never leave my life.
    In when I pulled my thoughts from now to ten years ago, I just met “it”! It is not willing to associate with “it”. Due to the needs of work, I have run an online banking for myself. To be honest, in a long time, I just use “it” to check the balance of my account, other functions, other functions, other functions, other functions. I use very little. Whenever the customer asked me, “What are your functions of your ICBC’s online banking?” I can only answer those diplomatic words weakly “you can query the balance of the account, and transfer the money.” Of course, I have only seen those functions such as those and other functions, but I just saw it. In this way, I kept such a nearly calm distance with “it”. In the winter of that year, the relationship between a small thing made me and “it” quickly heated up. I also clearly remembered that it was very cold that night. I got into the quilt and hit the winger on the Internet. At this time, my dead party called me and asked me to help her go to the street to charge the phone fee. OMG! In such a cold day, I really don’t want to, but there is no way, who made her a dead party. Lai I didn’t want to get up for a long time in bed. Suddenly, I thought of “it”, yes, charging the phone bill online, do it, log in to my online banking online, and then operate step by step, success! Suddenly, I feel like I am too great. I really want to take my shoulders and say “Small samples, not bad.” After that, I studied “it” seriously in my work and studied “it”. From the half -knowledge to a deep understanding. From the beginning, electronic banking is equal to online banking, to electronic banking refers to our bank’s departure to customers through communication channels or open public networks, and special networks established for specific self -service facilities or customers. Cabinet financial services. It mainly includes the transformation of online banking, telephone banking, mobile banking, self -service banks, and other departure business understanding. Especially with the continuous development of online platforms in recent years, more and more electronic banks have affected millions of households. On the platform of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, except for the two transactions related to deposits and withdrawals, all other online payment, transfer, remittance, wealth management and other complex businesses can be completed on this platform. I keep promoting my “it” to customers and friends from the workpiece and life. Whenever the customer and friends ask me about the question of “it”, I can answer confidence. When I solve all the problems, I will smile at the time at the counter and the other end of the phone. When they express my gratitude to me, I really should thank you, you let me feel — ——The existence, my value!
    has been ten years. Due to the emergence of electronic banks, banks have become more approachable. The queuing phenomenon often appeared in traditional banks in the past can be solved after the emergence of electronic banks; traditional cabinet service staff also has the problem of service quality stability, and online banking, users see a friendly interface at any time. Experience is to complete the transaction conveniently and safely; at the telephone bank, the user hear a sweet voice at any time, and you can experience the thoughtful service.
    It now, because of “it” over the years, I have also enjoyed more and more convenient, more intimate banking services. It also made the customers and friends around me also realized the benefits of “it”. Of course, we all became the hardcore fans of “it”. I firmly believe that I will grow old with “it”. No, I will be old, and “it” is always young, because there is “it”, ICBC really becomes the “bank around you, trust in the minds of many customers, trust Bank of”.
    The work summary of the work of electronic banking 4 20xx. Under the correct leadership of the party committee of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Electronic Bank and the Ministry of Science and Technology have focused on the work of the entire bank with the strong assistance of various departments. The work summary of the year has been summarized as follows:
    . Electronic banking business
    (1) The completion of the KPI indicator
    1. Electronic banking business income, as of December 31st , Complete the XXX % of the annual e -banking business income XX 10,000 yuan mission, and rank X -bit among the XX assessment units in the district;
    . The number of online banking activities will add XXXXX households to complete the division branch issued to the sub -branch issuance The XXX % of the new XXXXX households in online banking customers throughout the year, ranking X -bit among the XX assessment units in the entire district;
    (2) The main tasks of the electronic banking business captured the following tasks
    1 Early arrangement of work and early implementation. At the end of 20xx, we set the work goals of the year and formulated an effective incentive restraint policy based on the actual situation of our trip. In 20xx, the incentives of electronic banks mainly use the “current pay” salary method. With the corresponding marketing costs, this method has greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of front -line employees. It laid the foundation for the ultra -routine and rapid development of electronic banking.
    2. Improve the execution of the KPI index of the electronic banking business. As a strategic indicator, the electronic banking KPI indicator is an important indicator for assessing the electronic banking business. The work of electronic banks throughout the year should be carried out around the KPI indicators. Before the specific indicators were issued, we combined the specific situation of our bank, carefully analyzed the customer groups covered by the products of our electronic banking business, and determined the product marketing strategy of personal online banking, enterprise online banking, and SMS banks.
    In order to make the e -banking business develop rapidly, we held an electronic banking business work conference under the care of the leaders of the XX month, and conducted a special analysis of our electronic banking business. Through analysis, the lack of the development of various branches and outlets in the development of electronic banking business, and proposed the focus of marketing. At the meeting, everyone strengthened the confidence of vigorously developing electronic banking business through communication.
    3. Carry out various forms of labor competitions to vigorously improve the enthusiasm of employees’ marketing electronic banking products. In the 20XX years, the electronic banking business labor competition carried out by the branch division, and we have the XX customer manager to achieve the good results of the XX name before the e -bank marketing competition. Combined with the actual situation of our bank, find the business breakthrough and highlights, and in advance for the advance, for the advance in advance Complete the KPI indicator issued by the District Square, reversing the lagging marketing of electronic banking banking from 20xx x month X to 20xx XX month XX day, we launched the marketing competition of the “Explore Electronic Banking Business Win Fashion Award”, through the competition The development has stimulated the enthusiasm of employees’ marketing and achieved good results.
    4. Strengthen business training, really work hard. In order to achieve good marketing results, we improved the training methods, penetrated into urban outlets and county branches, and conducted electronic banking business training courses for discussions and interactive training. The characteristics of banking business update are fast, and the update content of the electronic banking business is collected from time to time. Product information and risk prompts are used to use short and easy -to -understand text to send morning training outlines to each outlet, so that each employee can understand the electronics of electronics The latest content of banking business provides a strong guarantee for product marketing. At the same time as business training, we also strengthened policy training for employees, let employees understand policies, and changed “let me marketing for me to market” has achieved good results.
    5. Increase the advancement of the intermediate business of electronic banks and vigorously develop the income of the intermediate business of electronic banks. For a long time, the proportion of electronic banking intermediate business income is small, which is related to the understanding of employees’ understanding of electronic banking business charging policies. It is believed that marketing electronic banking customers should pay the corresponding fees. Emotions have restricted the rapid development of electronic banking business to a certain extent. To this end, we often use the identity of scientific and technological personnel to go down to the outlets and communicate with them to let employees understand the cost of the construction and maintenance of our entire electronic banking business platform. It is taken for granted. Moreover, our services can produce a lot of benefits for customers to pay more than he pays. Through communication, our tellers can boldly market our electronic banking products.
    6. Do a good job of after -sales service of electronic banks, refine services for public online banking customers and personal online banking customers, allow customers to sign online banking, use online banking, use more online banking functions, and use more online banking functions to safely use online banking to use online banking. , Truly give play to the role of online banking to divert customers, improve the quality of CCB’s service quality.
    7. Strengthen the safe operation of electronic banking business and effectively prevent risks. In 20xx, we conducted regular inspections of electronic banking business, focusing on the management of USBKEY of the electronic banking business. Through inspections, the USBKEY custody of individual outlets was not standardized, and the registration book registration was not comprehensive. We asked the outlets to carry out a serious rectification to ensure the healthy and safe development of electronic banking business by checking.
    . Information technology work
    20xx, our computer network and various application systems run safely and smoothly without computer security accidents.
    1. Do a good job of operation and maintenance to ensure safe operation. Do a good job of network maintenance of the corporate network to ensure the smooth flow of our network and provide a smooth operation platform for all branches, various outlets, and departments.
    2. Do a good job of application promotion. This year, some application system promotion is launched, and we are actively cooperating with relevant departments to do a good job of promotion to make technical support for the operation of these systems.
    3. Unity and cooperation to do a good job of outlets. We will conscientiously do the wiring design, network module installation, construction quality monitoring of network module, construction quality monitoring, and installation of temporary business places for decoration outlets.
    4. For information security inspections according to the requirements of the general branch, timely discover some problems of some outlets in information security management and require implementation of rectification measures, while improving the management of the headquarters.
    5. Do the management of the equipment, and make reasonable equipment planning and allocation, so that computer equipment resources can get reasonable allocation in our bank.
    . Existing problems and deficiencies
    1. Electronic banking business product marketing development is unbalanced, and the phenomenon of strong branch and weak urban area occurs.
    2. The communication and connection with the branch and outlets needs to be further strengthened.
    3. The results of the science and technology service department and outlets need to be improved.
    . The main points of work next year
    1. Deepen the execution of the KPI indicator of the electronic banking business. We must dig and revitalize the existing customers, especially some sleeping households on the basis of developing new customers to improve electronic banks Customer activity rates
    2. Strengthen departmental linkage, take the initiative to communicate with individual funds, mortgages, and companies, and improve the use of electronic banking products through the bundle marketing of products.
    3. Increase the training of electronic banking products, and focus on training personal consultants of business outlets. Innovate training methods to enhance the awareness of all -member marketing.
    4. Increase the incentive and restraint mechanism of electronic banks. Through the guidance of policy, employees can vigorously market electronic banking products, guide customers to low -cost electronic banking channels to achieve a win -win situation.
    5. Further do a good job of data statistical analysis and provide effective basis for business expansion.
    6. Continue to vigorously promote the development of the intermediate business of electronic banks and contribute to the income of the entire bank.
    The work summary of the work of electronic banking 5 in recent years, Manzhouli Road Sub -branch has closely focused on the overall ideas and work goals of the entire electronic banking business development in accordance with the unified deployment of the Hulunbuir Branch. Life “E Lutong” brand. If we have achieved certain results in this regard, then these achievements are due to the correct leadership of the Municipal Branch Party Committee, the unity and cooperation of the leaders of the branch, and the joint efforts of all employees.
    At present, electronic banking has gradually become an engine to accelerate business diversion and outlet transformation, which is a good weapon to maintain and marketing customers. For this reason, our trip starts from four aspects:
    1 is to change the concept of lack of understanding of electronic banks.
    We we have repeatedly emphasized at a large and small meeting that under the new situation that the competitors’ business development is aggressive and the “financial electronic warfare” is intensified, the development of electronic banks is developed, and the overall low -end customers, effectively alleviating the pressure on the cabinet, improving the overall overall overall The level of service level and enhancement of market competitiveness have played an increasingly important role.
    The discovery of demand and serving it carefully.
    The actual needs of our customers to serve customers. Finding customer needs in observation and formulating targeted marketing measures. In the business in 2012, we found that many customers will set up the same type of transfer business or cash remittance business regularly every month. We find this characteristic after careful understanding of customers’ needs. Moon will remit money to the children who go to school in the field, so that we have increased the marketing and publicity of the electronic banking business. Customers can not only send money to children in time through online banking, mobile banking, and SMS. Payment, financial management and other functions in electronic banks. While bringing convenience to customers in this way, our travel stabilizer has also greatly improved.
    three is to change publicity ideas.
    Is to drink good goods. To get out of the market for electronic banking products, it is necessary to strengthen publicity and visits, closer the distance between customers, and let CCB products go deep into the hearts of customers. Establish an information library for key customers, and promptly promote the online banks such as online banking and mobile banking SMS channels such as mobile phone text messages. Give up again on holidays and visit customers to visit marketing.
    The business atmosphere for building you chasing me.
    In order to allow everyone to understand the completion of the task in a timely manner, our bank is notified to the main personal business indicators such as electronic banks daily, so that each employee will understand the progress of the task in time.
    looking forward to 20xx years, although we will face many new challenges and various difficulties on the way, all employees of Manzhouli Road Sub -branch have always maintained their confidence in winning with firm belief, doubled with a pragmatic attitude, and do it seriously to do it seriously. Good things, according to the deployment and business goals of the city branch, promote various tasks, grasp the rhythm of the market, seize key elements, and improve marketing skills, we will be able to seize development opportunities and usher in a better tomorrow!

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