5 thoughts on “What do you do about legal work? Which aspect of it?”

  1. Legal work mainly includes contract management, legal consultation, litigation case management, compliance training, system construction, seal certificate management, and other work.

    1) Contract management

    The contract management work can be subdivided into contract review, contract template library, contract management system, contract stamp archiving, contract performance management, etc. Contract management is the basic skills of legal affairs, accounting for 20%-30%of the work ratio of the department. Therefore, the establishment of a sound contract management system for the establishment of the company is also the focus of the entire legal department.

    First, formulate the company’s contract management regulations. From the requirements of the review, stamp, archiving, reviewing, and management process of contracts stipulated at the institutional level, the contract management work is institutionalized and standardized, and the contract management work is based on it.

    Secondly, refine the contract management process and improve the efficiency of contract management. Specifically, it can be divided into formulation of contract review guidelines, standardized contract approval processes, establishing corporate contract templates, responsible for contract stamp archiving management, regular review of contract performance, training for contract management issues, and so on. Do not start here, take contract review as an example, form your own review ideas during the contract review. First, what should be paid attention to at different types of contracts, and what are the common problems of the contract? Third, what are the most prone to controversy and so on.

    2) Legal consultation

    Legal consultation is usually for problems encountered in the process of business trading. From a legal perspective And feasibility measures for legal proposals. Legal consultation is the most tested job of legal knowledge, and the scope involved is very wide, including corporate law, labor contract law, contract law, administrative law, criminal law, advertising law, anti -improper competition, work injury insurance, construction engineering, etc. Knowledge in different fields, so the professionalism of legal affairs in the law does not have high judges and lawyers. It is not that the professional ability of legal work is low, but the scope of legal work is extremely wide. Unless you are talented, it is difficult to achieve everything every. All areas are proficient.

    3) Litigation case management

    If litigation case management. This is a good understanding that the legal representative company appears or prosecuted in court. The amount, quantity, and winning rate of litigation cases are important indicators to assess the work of the Ministry of Justice. Our company’s lawsuit cases are about 2-3 a year. The general procedure of dealing with litigation cases is to sort out the basic situation of the case, clarify the demands of the company or the other party, the focus of the dispute between the two parties, analyze the corresponding legal relationships of different demands, find the idea of ​​answering in accordance with the legal relationship, and then find the perspective of supporting their own opinions according to the defense ideas. Evidence, finally integrating different defense ideas, forming different litigation strategies, and generally estimated the optimal and worst litigation results.

    4) Compliance training

    compliance training is to make various types of training courses to enhance the legal knowledge of employees and avoid various types of disciplinary behaviors of employees. Compliance training belongs to legal risks. It is similar to prevention and control. Similar to preventing needles. Tell the company employees that you do n’t do these behaviors, otherwise what kind of legal consequences will be, what is the correct behavior, and so on. The content of compliance training is also wide, including antitrust training, anti -unfair competition training, anti -commercial bribery training, prevention of criminal training, litigation evidence collection training, marketing legal risk training, government law enforcement survey, training, contract law training , Consumer rights protection training, labor law training, etc. Compliance training is a relatively interesting working sector in various types of legal services. You can organize training activities, produce training courseware, training posters, recording training videos, conducting training and answering training, raffle activities, etc., to increase the fun of training. The compliance training is to simplify and interesting the boring legal professional knowledge, improve the legal literacy of the company’s employees, and prevent legal risks.

    5) System construction

    The system construction is to formulate and manage the company’s various system documents, so that the company’s various businesses are processed, institutionalized, and standardized. The Ministry of Justice needs to formulate the company’s “System Management Specifications” to clarify the company’s various regulations, measures, specifications, rules, the formulation, approval, release, implementation, modification, abolition, filing procedures, etc., and assist all departments to formulate companies or departments. The management regulations in the inside stipulate that the prescribed compliance is reviewed, and the company’s institutional accounts are regularly sorted out.

    6) Seal and license management

    This management is responsible for the use and management of the company’s official seal, contract seal and other seals, including the application for approval, formulating the seal management system, seal carrier, System, storage, use, etc. The management of licenses is responsible for the handling, changes, preservation, and use of the company’s business certificate.

    In addition to the above work, according to the responsibilities of different companies, the Ministry of Legal Affairs may also be responsible for the management of trademark management, professional conference, articles of association, board resolution and other important documents.

  2. It is mainly due to corporate, public institutions, government departments and other legal persons and illegal organizations internally responsible for handling legal affairs, which belongs to legal affairs.
    The workflow:
    1. Contracting business: Draw/sending/modification notice → Communication of the parties (contractual purpose, contract background and requirements) , Legality, Risk degree, etc.) → Submitting results —- Feedback (case-based/related issues).
    2, consultation business: consultation request → search information (consulting objects, event background, party requirements) → prepare response (method selection, content sorting) n3. Suggestions and opinion business: Autonomous observation/information collection/feedback → thinking (division of nature, how to deal with) → make suggestions/make suggestions (legal/management angle) —- feedback (institutionalization/transfer of other departments).
    4. Dispute processing/litigation auxiliary business: department feedback/company instructions → collect and organize materials in accordance with legal requirements/lawyer work instructions → provide evidence materials support/legal support → participate in specific processes → settlement/controversial progress dynamic report- -Feedback (standardized measures/prevention opinions).
    The specific development direction of legal commissioners is as follows:
    Pathm 1: As far as the development of the enterprise is concerned, the legal commissioner can develop in the direction of the corporate legal adviser after accumulating experience; : Legal commissioner can also develop to the lawyer industry, such as: company lawyers, civil litigation lawyers, intellectual property lawyers, all of which can become its development direction;
    path three: legal commissioner who has been working in foreign companies, foreign lawyers who have been working in foreign companies, foreign lawyers are right It is also a good development direction. If you are a person who engaged in legal work in the real estate company for a long time, you can try to develop into real estate lawyers in the future.
    The above content refers to Baidu Encyclopedia-Legal Specialist; Baidu Encyclopedia-Legal Affairs

  3. It is mainly due to corporate, public institutions, government departments and other legal persons and illegal organizations internally responsible for handling legal affairs, which belongs to legal affairs.
    The workflow:
    1. Contracting business: Draw/sending/modification notice → Communication of the parties (contractual purpose, contract background and requirements) , Legality, Risk degree, etc.) → Submitting results —- Feedback (case-based/related issues).
    2, consultation business: consultation request → search information (consulting objects, event background, party requirements) → prepare response (method selection, content sorting) n3. Suggestions and opinion business: Autonomous observation/information collection/feedback → thinking (division of nature, how to deal with) → make suggestions/make suggestions (legal/management angle) —- feedback (institutionalization/transfer of other departments).
    4. Dispute processing/litigation auxiliary business: department feedback/company instructions → collect and organize materials in accordance with legal requirements/lawyer work instructions → provide evidence materials support/legal support → participate in specific processes → settlement/controversial progress dynamic report- -Feedback (standardized measures/prevention opinions).

  4. In general, it is necessary to do contract review and labor disputes between internal employees. Also, the legal affairs between the company used.

  5. In the state agencies, enterprises, institutions and social groups, especially legislators, administrative agencies, procuratorial organs, trial agencies, arbitration agencies, and legal service agencies, they are competent as civil servants, prosecutors, judges, lawyers, notary, arbitrators, laws, law Consultant and other legal practice.
    The legal worker engaged in legal work.

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