1 thought on “Military Loan Management Measures”

  1. Article 1 In order to promote and standardize the loan business of the syndicated company, decentralize the risk of credit, and promote the cooperation of banking industry, formulate this guideline in accordance with the “People’s Republic of China Banking Regulation and Management Law” and the “Commercial Banking Law of the People’s Republic of China”. Article 2 This guidelines are applicable to banking financial institutions (hereinafter referred to as banks) that establish and operate loan business in accordance with the law. Article 3 The dealer loan refers to the same loan conditions of two or more banks based on the same loan contract according to the same loan contract, and according to the agreed time and proportion, the local and foreign currency loan or credit business provided by the borrower through agents. Article 4 The bank’s loan business shall abide by the relevant national laws and regulations, comply with national credit policies, and adhere to the principles of equality and mutual benefit, fair negotiation, honesty performance, and self -risk. Article 5 The Banking Association is responsible for maintaining the order of the merchandise loan market, promoting the standardization of marketing, promoting the construction of a syndicated loan and trading system platform, coordinating the problems in the loan and transactions of the syndicated company, collecting and disclosing relevant Cyber ​​loan information, formulating industry conventions and other industries Self -discipline.
    [Extended information] 1. Product service objects are large and medium -sized enterprises, enterprise groups and national key construction projects with huge amounts of funds. CBR loans, also known as Cindica Loan (), are led by one or banks that are allowed to operate loan business. The banking group () composed of many banks and banking financial institutions () uses the same loan agreement to follow the agreed period and conditions. Provide a financing loan method to the same borrower. The international company is a bank group composed of a number of banks in different countries. The “Military Loan Loan” involved in the accounting subjects, No. 1324. The undergraduate account accounting bank as a loan issued by the merchandise loan and participating in the shares agreed by the CCI Loan Agreement.
    . The loan agreement of the delegation shall include the following main terms: (1) the basic situation of the parties, mainly includes the name and residence of borrowers, leading banks, agency banks, other members, and guarantors.对协议中特定用语的含义进行界定和解释;(三)与贷款有关的约定,包括贷款金额与币种、贷款期限、贷款利率、贷款用途、还款方式及还款资金来源、贷款担保组合、 Loan exhibition conditions, early repayment agreement, etc.; (4) the loan quota and loan distribution time promised by the members of the synchronization; (5) the prerequisite for withdrawal; Restriction clauses; (9) non -financial commitments, including asset disposal restrictions, business changes and information disclosure; (10) breach of contract and handling; (11) Applicable laws; (12) Other subsidiary documents.
    . Main features 1. Large loan amount and long term. Can meet the long -term and large capital needs of borrowers. Generally used for new project loans, large equipment leasing, corporate mergers and acquisitions financing in transportation, petrochemical, telecommunications, electricity and other industries. The time and energy spent in financing are less. After the borrower and arrangement are arranged to agree on the loan conditions, it is arranged to be responsible for the establishment of the merchant. During the implementation of the loan, the borrower does not need to face all the members of the syndicated, related loans and other loans of loans, and the repayment of loans will be completed by the agency. In the same dealer loan, you can provide multiple forms of loans according to the need for borrower, such as regular loans, turnover loans, and backup credit card amounts. At the same time, according to the needs of borrowers, different currencies or currencies such as RMB, US dollar, euro, and pound can be selected. 4. It is conducive to the borrower to establish a good market image. The successful establishment of the CBRC is based on the full recognition of the financial and operating conditions of the borrower. The borrower can use this business opportunity to expand its reputation.

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